Friday, September 25, 2009

Ark. player ends game with noble gesture

During the final seconds of the game Sept. 18, Thamail Morgan headed for a touchdown. But, the Cave City teammate stopped short to kneel at the 5-yard line instead.
This was a way the Arkansas all-state football player could pay respect to Yellville-Summit. The losing high school team's No. 72, Kymbal Duffey, was killed and four players injured in a truck wreck Sept. 11.


  1. Great summary. I really like how you added pictures. It makes a big difference. Good job!

  2. Hi Ashley--
    Thank you, I always appreciate your feedback. I was pleased that I finally figured out how to add photos. However, they're too big even though I sized them small.
    true grimes

  3. I liked how you added pictures! It gives it a newspaper feel. I think that was nice of him to stop and kneel to pay his respects.

  4. That was a cool summary. I have to figure out the picture thing as well. I think it gives your summary that much more meaning.

  5. Great job on your summary! I have to agree with everyone else, I really like how you added the pictures! It adds so much more meaning to the story. Your summary was very well written. :)
